Expert plumber and craftsman Steve Suarez of RJ Graham Plumbing hosts. Steve and special guests of all walks of like will teach you everything you need to know about home maintenance and do it yourself repairs.
Podcasting since 2021 • 86 episodes
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Zach Crider with The Floor 4U
Hope everyone had a GREAT Valentine's Day!!! As for Steve...go ahead and skip ahead to the 1 minute mark for tips on how to lose a wife in 10 seconds. So...moving forward...if anyone needs to ...
Episode 92

Zach Massell with Chicago Water & Fire Restoration
Happen to miss last Monday's show?Well, take a seat!!!Listen here, as Steve introduces Zach Massell, with Chicago Water &am...
Episode 91

Mack Tracey with Ferguson Enterprises
Mondays don't feel much like Mondays with a little Mack Tracey on the show. Take a listen as Mack boasts about the supposed "uptick" in listeners every time he makes an appearance. He'd also ...
Episode 90